In the mist of a lonesome night, Mother Earth was rumbling beneath my feet, as if telling me that was a night I could not miss.
In the mist of a lonesome night I felt a Stranger watching me. I caught his eye, his deep soulful eyes. The kind of eyes that are eager to see the world, as if knowledge about something or someone, to him, was just a glance away.
I felt a shiver down my spine, and he looked away. The Stranger feared what he had seen, either was too much or too little for him.
In the mist of a lonesome night, I ignored the desire crawling beneath my skin… and I ignored Mother Earth’s constant warnings under my bare feet.
In the mist of a lonesome night I saw the Stranger smiling when he looked again at me… It was the kind of smile that can hold mischief and sweetness… like a child’s smile after an innocent prank.
In the mist of a lonesome night I half ignored the shivers and the crawling and the warnings. I danced and I danced oblivious to the fact that I wasn’t too little, I wasn’t too much, I was just right.
As I danced we got closer… As we danced words rolled and twirled in our tongues, of places we’ve been, things we’ve seen and other senseless things.
A silent moment in the crowd… It was just me and the Stranger.
A silent moment in which we had a silent talk that has taught us more about each other than a million of meaningless words.
A silent moment in which we learnt about the fire erupting in each others hearts.
A kiss… A kiss that turned that lonesome night in a night full of bliss.
On a blissful night I met a Stranger, that inhabits my fantasies.we kiss, we love, we dance, we play and we see the world together everytime I visit that secret garden inside my mind.
We can never let each other down, we can never lie or be dismissed.
Forever sweethearts in a garden of fantasy.
2 comentários:
Chica.... grande texto está giríssimo...
Já sentia falta destes pensamentos, destes textos cheios de sentimentos.
Mas e quem disse que uma noite solitária era uma seca??? Naaa..numa noite solitária encontra-se mais do que desejamos, mais do que queremos.
Basta um olhar um sorriso e um desejo que tudo é possível...
Mas gostei tanto desse jardim da fantasia tb quero um só para mim =)
besos cariño *****
Tudo é possivel mesmo... nem que seja plantar a semente para um jardim de fantasia.
queres um? cala-te! tu lá precisas de um agora! lol
besos calientes
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